
Case Study

Analyze customer behavior to better understand them

Analyze and understand the client profile on online and offline channels with a focus on product dimensions


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A brand that with a strong brand image revival in recent years in terms

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A recent development of in-house data collection, leading to a desire to better understand customers

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A product dimension at the heart of the brand's strategy, which must be central to the study

The Key Questions

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Which key insights around the customer behavior?

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How is collection performance evolving?

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What are the product's growth drivers?


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Data harmonization between the different sources

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Analysis of data capture and collection quality

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Determination of customer profiles overall, by segment and according to different product levels, in order to identify differentiated factors

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Study of recruitment and loyalty dynamics within the brand

5 —

Identification of 10-15 key learnings and growth drivers/areas of focus


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Appropriation of the key customer profile indicators by the company's Executive Committee

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A desire to develop this knowledge through more regular performance monitoring, which has led to an automated monthly client reports set-up

At the heart of the subject

The idea has been to understand the average customer and the product logic that customers have within the brand. The aim was also to highlight the differences between the different customer profiles, in particular in terms of products purchased, purchasing channel and customer value. The identification of growth opportunities enabled the management teams to agree around the same strategic objectives for the coming year.