
Case Study

Optimizing the marketing mix

Identify the impacts of different marketing levers on sales performance to optimize them using predictions


1 —

The multiplication of marketing and sales levers, online and offline, makes the decision to allocate resources on all these levers even more difficult and important

2 —

It is now critical to implement a quantitative and factual approach to measure the contribution of the various levers and their ROI, and on this basis, to optimize the allocation of resources on an ongoing basis

The Key Questions

1 —

What are the main levers (media, promotion, trade…) that drive my performance?

2 —

Are these drivers different between sales channels, product categories or markets?

3 —

How do these levers compare in terms of impact on turnover & profit?

4 —

Quel ROI puis-je espérer de mes investissements média, au global et par canal ?

5 —

How to allocate marketing budgets to achieve its objectives?

6 —

At a more granular level, how to optimize action plans (e.g. specific combinations of different levers, seasonality of investments, media copies,...) to maximize efficiency?


ClaraVista has developed a unique approach to MMM that aims to build our clients' autonomy on the subject.

This is based on several distinguishing elements:

1 —

A phase of collection and transformation of historical data documented in detail, with particular attention given from the beginning to the possible industrialization of this collection for future update phases

2 —

Une approche de modélisation transparente, dans laquelle toutes les hypothèses sous-jacentes sont claires et partagées

3 —

A simulation tool made available to our clients, which allows them to simulate the impact and ROI of different alternative resource allocation scenarios


An impact on performance observed between x5 and x40 vs. the cost of the project.

At the heart of the subject

Marketing mix modeling is a valuable tool for optimizing performance on marketing levers and making the most rational decisions possible, based on modeling.

ClaraVista's approach also allows us to build our clients' autonomy on the subject.